Jump Rope Fitness

Full Branding including logo, the website with multiple reoccurring event integration, video editing and graphics/visuals for the website and social media. We also created flyers which were handed out to locals as a local marketing exercise. 

Jump Rope Fitness

The first we’ve seen of it’s kind in the UK, offering fitness programs with a more unique differentiator – specically using jump ropes, or as we used to call it, skipping ropes. 

A huge hit in the US and taking off over here the founder has spotted a gap in the market and wants to drive this.

We’ve built the website and created flyers and posters and we’re now in the midst of creating a full workout schedule/program.

Website is launched though the workout plan is coming soon.

This founder liked the style of the Hotel Consultants so we’ve taken elements over to this site. 

Your Challenge is Our Progress

The Possibilities
Are Infinite

A video ad we created for them.

The Results

We were delighted to work with JRF and create a fabulous website showcasing the huge benefits of Jump Rope!

We ourselves were staggered to find out how good it is for you and how much easier it is on the joints versus something like running.

We created the brand from scratch, and build a site whereby lots of regular events could be featured, with an RSVP system in place and booking.

We created a membership model also whereby if you paid a monthly fee, the classes were free, or if you wanted to pay and go, you could also do that. 

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