Advert #1

Using the below advert as a theme / foundation, we’re wanting to create an advert that is both aspirational and relatable.

So the creative will be an advert featuring a sense of adventure; using montages of images and videos showing people being active, doing everything from surfing to yoga and running.

The video will veer somewhat towards aspirational – but also making it totally relatable; so using people also in their houses and with kids. Not pro-athletes, but just everyday people wanting to make changes, trying to create & live amazing lives.

We’re after people who’ll identify as being someone who wants to make a sustained change in their own health and wellbeing.

Voiceovers for Gym Jam:

Voice over artists: please have a break between lines so they can mixed up in editing.

Line 1 – about the person

Line 2 – their challenge

Line 3 – the positive about using Gym Jam

1. Lucy

Line one:

I’m Lucy, I’m 28 years, live in Newcastle and I work for the NHS.

Line two:

I find keeping fit can get repetitive and boring

Line three:

I can workout when and where I like

2. Sarah

Line one:

I’m Sarah, I’m 34 years, live in Peterborough and I work as a secretary.

Line two:

I find keeping going to the gym can be daunting – too many egos and fit people!

Line three:

I can choose exercises based on what equipment I’ve got

3. Clare

Line one:

I’m Clare, I’m 26 years, live in Oxford and I work in bar.

Line two:

I struggle with motivation and get going

Line three:

I can choose a Personal Trainer who I like, who’ll write me a program to suit me, and who’ll check in with me each week

4. Charlotte

Line one:

I’m Charlotte, I’m 38 years, live in west London and I’m a civil engineer.

Line two:

I just don’t enjoy the workouts I’ve been given to do

Line three:

There’s 1000s of exercises with animations to show you how to do that exercise

5. Sophia

Line one:

I’m Sophia, I’m 42 years, live in Birmingham and I’m a marketing director.

Line two:

I’ve tried everything to lose weight and nothing works, diets or exercise

Line three:

I can easily create my own workout & add to my calendar

6. Isabella

Line one:

I’m Sophia, I’m 48 years, live in Nottingham and I’m a midwife.

Line two:

Diets just don’t seem to work for me, for the long term

Line three:

I can use the nutrition plans, and track all my calories and intake

7. James

Line one:

I’m James, I’m 32 years, live in Worcester and I’m a teacher.

Line two:

I just can’t seem to shift the weight

Line three:

My Personal Trainer can see what I’m doing, and talk to me all within the App

8. Tim

Line one:

I’m Tim, I’m 35 years, live in Bristol and I’m a website designer

Line two:

There’s never any support to guide or help you

Line three:

I love the encouragement Gym Jam gives

9. Olly

Line one:

I’m Olly, I’m 39 years, live in Portsmouth and I work in PR

Line two:

I’ve tried a celebrity’s 90-day plan which did nothing for me

Line three:

Gym Jam takes it all one step further, understands what I want, and proactively chases me week in and week out. Setting small achieveable goals.

10. William

Line one:

I’m William, I’m 43 years, live in Brighton and I run a Charity shop

Line two:

I just don’t have the time to lose weight or get fit

Line three:

They bring the human element back into technology